Nursing Team
Paula Swannock
Upper GI & HPB Cancer Nurse Consultant
The HPB and UGI units at St Vincent’s are fortunate to have Paula Swannock as our Cancer Nurse Coordinator. Paula is a specialist nurse who guides patients through their diagnosis, treatment and aftercare. Paula is there to assist in the coordination of patient appointments and education after diagnosis, before surgery and after discharge from the hospital.
Paula has a wealth of experience, prior to current position, her role was as a Nurse Endoscopist within the speciality of Endoscopy, Gastroenterology and Colorectal Surgery. Paula holds a Master’s Degree in Advanced Clinical Practice and is also a Nurse Prescriber. Paula has recently moved to Australia from the UK where she has extensive experience with service development and a particular focus on setting up and leading nurse-led services.
She is available as a central contact person at St Vincent’s and will be able to answer questions or expedite enquiries to relevant medical specialists within the hospital. Paula works closely within the multidisciplinary team to offer patients streamlined care and ensure patients both understand and are actively involved in their treatment planning and recovery.
St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne
Level 2, 478 Albert Street, East Melbourne, Vic
M: 0428 118 658
E: paula.swannock@svha.org.au
Sophie Flanagan
Surgical Liaison Nurse
Sophie is the Surgical Liaison Nurse at St Vincent’s Hospital for the Upper GI and Hepatobiliary Unit. She has worked at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne for over 10 years. Sophie’s role involves case management of patients once they are added to the Elective Surgery Waiting List. This includes clinical assessment, pre-operative education and coordinating any further investigations required to facilitate timely access to surgery. Sophie’s primary role is working with the benign and bariatric patients, however she works closely with the Cancer Nurse Coordinator for the UGI/HPB unit
Email: sophie.flanagan@svha.org.au
Work Phone: 0419 382 034